Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ultrasound update! March 21st, 2012

If you're a "fan" on facebook you already know done of this info.  I was very nervous sitting in the doctors waiting room because I don't think I had any real symptoms from Clomid.  I wasn't sure if that meant that I wasn't growing a follicle.  They called me into the examination room where I waited even longer and I gradually got more nervous (Seriously I was sweating bullets!). The doctor came in, sweet as always, asked me a couple questions and got down to business.  First he measured my lining, 11.8, and he said that looked great (I'm still drinking Pom Juice and Raspberry leaf tea).  Then my real fears were knocked out of existence when the doctor moved the transducer to the right side of my abdomen.  There it was, bigger than any I've ever seen! A nice fat follicle! 24mm! My doctor said, "oh that's a good size," and I immediately let out a small cry of joy.  He then said we don't want it to get any bigger, so he immediately prescribed Ovidrel to trigger ovulation.  My ultrasound is scheduled for Friday at 10 am...wish me luck!

P.S. None of the follies on the left had any substantial size.

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